Thursday, December 11, 2014

Keeping busy

As usual, I have a few projects on the go, and while I appreciate the zen of knitting and crochet, a lot of the time there are big blocks of stocking stitch. It can be calming but it can also be wicked boring so to pass the time, I usually watch movies or TV (unless there's a particularly good radio station around). So what do I watch?

1. TV series. My favourite show for this is Buffy the Vampire Slayer; I've seen the entire series a few times now and it rewatches very well for me (but I am a chronic rewatcher...anyone who knows me can tell you this). I also rewatch Batman: The Animated Series from time to time, and That 70s Show is a really good one because it's also hilarious and nothing makes time fly like good laughter.

2. Movie series. This covers short AND long series, depending on how you feel and how long you'll be sitting. Harry Potter is a good one, and now that we're a few years in, you can do all three Ironmans, two Thors, two Captain Americas, and so on. Die Hard has five now, that's a gooder. And there's always the super solid Lord of the Rings extended editions, which will give you at least all of your waking hours in one day if you start right when you wake up and stay up longer than usual.

3. Related movies. You can pick any theme you like. Superhero: go Ironman, then Thor, then Captain America, then Ironman 2, then The Avengers....and so on, because they all kind of weave together. Or you can do a Robert Downey Jr. theme, with Sherlocks, Ironmans, and super bonus The Wonder Boys (surprisingly good, despite being a drastic departure from the above theme). Sometimes I'll do old favourites: Labyrinth and Donnie Darko make a good pair.

4. The same movie over and over. Not literally (though I have done this), but I mean Robin Hood, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and Robin Hood (Disney). You can do this with Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (...if you're into that), or multiple Sherlock Holmes incarnations.

4. Whatever the heck is on TV at the time. Every now and then, none of the movies will fit the bill. You'll be tired of the old TV sprees. So in that case, you can just throw on a good channel and have at 'er. I usually vote for home and garden networks, or the Food Network. Almost all of their shows can bear sitting through, and sometimes even lame TV is good enough for your attention, but not engrossing enough to distract you from doing a good job and not dropping any stitches.

5. Sports games. For me, this can only be hockey. Maaaaybe football (North American football, not soccer), but only if there's a reason for me to watch - say, the local sports team is having a good season. But we have GameCentre finally, so I can watch all the hockey I can handle, so hooray!

What do you do when you've got a long, steady task ahead? Did I miss any favourites?

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