Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas craft roundup

Well I already vacuumed so I can feel productive today. I know I'm not the only one who does one chore and then sits down at the computer "just for a second." No guilt here - I still have coffee to drink.
In any case, the purpose of my break today was to hunt up some crochet patterns for the holidays. The doctor and I have had some trouble getting our flat to the coziness of our old apartment (seriously, the walls are bare and I have over 1,000 wedding pictures and not a single one has been printed. For shame) and this is our first Christmas away from family and friends in Canada. This place needs to get seasonal in a big way! We already have green curtains in the living room so my job is half done...okay, not quite, but it helps. I'm just looking for some inspiration (yup, via Pinterest) to yarncraft my way to some holiday cheer, and I have a few good leads:

This adorable little wreath from cookiecuttyer. I'm not sure I can get my hands on a foam wreath shape but who knows, this town can be surprisingly resourceful!
There are approximately 1,000 crochet star tutorials and ideas out there, but this one from Jelly Wares looks pretty straightforward and is free - the best part, as always. Etsy has a few for sale too, if you're not into making your own.
Wee Christmas trees by turkisa-turkisa, featured here. There's no words but if you can read a crochet chart you're set. If you go to the original source, I do believe it's not English but sometimes Google Translator comes through...and sometimes it provides many unintentional chuckles.
Calypso's Craft Works featured these two patterns, one of which is Japanese and one of which is Russian. I love the charts; I actually find them less confusing than text, which can be a bit overwhelming. For instance: "Rnd 3: sc around dc from end of rnd 2, (ch 2, In next ch 6 sp work [2 dc, ch 4, sl st in 1st ch, tr, ch 7, sl st in 1st ch, tr, ch 4, sl st in 1st ch, 2 dc] ch 2, sc in next 5 ch sp) repeat around, ending with a sl st in the first sc made." Yeah, that's what I thought. Just pictures, please.

Anyway, there are a few items I thought would be welcome additions around here. I'm also thinking of making a cover for the hideous wall heater we don't use in our living room...nothing says "shabby chic" like a rusted electric heater, I know, but for some reason it's just not doin' it for me. Also on deck, a trip to Poundland (the dollar store...which sounds hilarious. Just me?) where everything actually IS just one pound - take a memo, Canadian dollar stores. They've got Christmas lights, the one thing I'm not skilled enough to DIY. Between the doctor and me, we don't have enough electrician/engineering skills to figure that out - sometimes, it's just OK to buy a few things.

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