Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I'm doubly out of my depth when it comes to this particular weekend holiday - I'm not American, and I'm actually in a country that doesn't have a Thanksgiving at all. However, I'm of the mind that you can always be thankful and with casual weather reports coming from friends and family in Canada, and the news from Buffalo and other parts of New York, today I'm still so thankful for England's mild winters! The grocery delivery man looked at me like I was crazy when I said we were loving the nice weather - I guess not everyone has my perspective on it! - but since I get to train all winter in just a regular pullover and tights and not three pairs of pants, a balaclava, a toque on top of that (and a scarf), and three shirts, I am thankful for it! It's pretty much perma-fall here; for my Manitoban readers, you'll understand how weird this is to get used to since we have about a week and a half of fall before winter puts the smackdown on.
Just popped a few more items into the shop, so take a trip over there and check it out! Also on my worktable today, my "fly by the seat of my pants" worksock cardigan edging. The dear sweater that is relying on my pattern intuition suffered through one front edging that looked miserable once it was all done up, so of course it was removed and frogged, and I'll be giving it another go today. A good way to spend another cloudy day!

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