Consistency is key, I'm sure - unfortunately I haven't achieved that with blogging! Maybe patience is key right now ;)
Anyway, I've finished TWO sweaters in the last week (go team!): one for my niece and one for my nephew. I'm looking forward to sharing a bit more about my (insanely ambitious) idea to knit something for each family member's birthday. So far I'm up...eleven knits? And I still have two more to go, not to mention the sweater that's in the offing for the Doctor. For which I intend to strictly follow the pattern...because he's already got a sweater from me that's languishing in his drawer, ill-fitting and sad. That thing's begging to be frogged.
But! Enough of that. Today is the start (for me) of all the exciting Christmas fun in the month leading up to the actual holiday! Never mind that Black Friday stuff - I did a bit of shopping but it was all the time I got to the part where I'd buy myself something, my shopping muscles had atrophied again and I couldn't seem to purchase anything. We'll see how that holds up today - it's good for my wallet in any case! Today is the Independent Oxford Christmas Market and I'm pretty excited because it's a little bit of a departure from the usual markets in that it's only independent shops from around the area. My yarn store will be there, and some other really cool-looking shops I've never been to, so this will be a good chance to see everything that Oxford's independent shop owners have to offer! After that, the Christmas tree lighting takes place in our town tonight so it's time for the first mince pies of the year, mulled wine and some fireworks - and here's hoping it's NOT raining for that part because although we started out sunny this morning, looks like that won't last. Classic England.
I'm also getting ready to do some serious shipping. We've got a lot of gifts (some that are insanely overdue...) and Christmas shipping is sketchy at best, so hopefully I'll beat the rush by shipping this week for most, if not all, of them. Our experience with British shipping seems to have been mostly good so far, so I'm crossing my fingers everything makes it safe and sound!
And then maybe I can work on some projects for me for a year, haha: I'm still plugging away on my Veronika (well, it's on hiatus just now), but I stupidly joined two KALs that are due by Christmas. Thankfully I've pledged small things and let's be real, I could bail, but I can't bring myself to do that just yet! Plus the Leydon handwarmers (for Plum Dandi's Deep Fall KAL) that I want to make are quick and good for the office, the land of eternal air conditioning. Seriously...some epic downsides to an "open air" office.
But for now it's time to finish my coffee and lace up my boots - off to the market!
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